13 underwriting agencies working with Lloyd’s Insurance Company (Lloyd’s Europe) were available to the more than 2,100 industry professionals who attended this annual event on the 15th. Most of the participating agencies are members of ASASEL. Specifically: AB Coverholder, Ayax Suscripción de Riesgos, Chance Underwriting, Crouco Agencia de Suscripción, Dual Ibérica, Exsel Underwriting, Hispania Global Underwriting, Iberian Insurance, Técnica Aseguradora and Names Agencia de suscripción, had the opportunity to showcase their products and publicize the possibilities for brokers and the general public.
Thus, these Lloyd’s underwriting agencies offer everything from professional liability, D&O and cyber risks to accident insurance for sports federations, contingency and event cancellation insurance, exclusive products for active tourism and security companies, medical and environmental liability.

The following day, the 16th, the first round table dedicated to underwriting agencies was held with great success. Under the title “Underwriting agencies as allies of Spanish mediation”, the speakers discussed the collaboration between Spanish mediation and underwriting agencies, their value proposition and the legislative and regulatory challenges they face, as they cannot operate in other countries of the European Economic Area.