ASASE, the Spanish Association of Spanish Underwriting Agencies, continues to be a benchmark for associations in the insurance sector, attracting to its network all the links in the insurance sector with the incorporation of the law firm DAC Beachcroft as a legal partner.

At the beginning of the year ASASE already has 5 legal partners, thus strengthening its strategic collaborations with different players in the insurance market.
DAC Beachcroft, the fifth law firm to be incorporated as a strategic partner within the association, will contribute to provide legal support to ASASE members. This law firm, with more than 35 years of presence in Spain, has been a direct witness to the evolution of underwriting agencies, with its proximity to Lloyd’s syndicates and insurers who have relied on underwriting agencies to develop new products.
ASASE welcomes this agreement which will allow it to have greater hand-in-hand collaboration with a wider range of legal players, helping it to provide legal assistance to future and established association agencies.