The Association of Underwriting Agencies, ASASE, launches its new membership category called “Brokers Friends”, an initiative designed to strengthen the development of activities and encourage development and synergies in the brokerage sector.
According to the Association, the proposal is characterized in that the underwriting agencies that are members of Asase select their best insurance brokers, who will be recognized as “Brokers Friends” of the underwriting agencies. “This select group of brokers will work closely with Asase and its members, contributing their experience and knowledge to support the goals they have as an association, promoting the figure of underwriting agencies in the industry, and of course, distributing the insurance of Asase’s partner underwriting agencies.

To date, five underwriting agencies have decided to collaborate with this proposal, choosing their most outstanding brokers, says the entity, which has the participation of Howden, Rasher, BMS Group, Albroksa, Quality Brokers, Torres Asesores and Atlantic.
For the Association, “the collaborating companies have demonstrated their commitment to good practice and excellence in the sector, and their support for the “Brokers Friends of ASASE” initiative is living proof of this fact, conveying their dedication to the improvement and enrichment of the Spanish insurance market”.
In the words of Dario Spata, President of ASASE, “I am very proud to see the launch of this Asase initiative. Firstly, because of what it means, which is none other than the 360º collaboration of the sector’s guilds, where we now have as partners one more link in the chain. Secondly, because of the level of the brokers who join us in this initiative. We all know their size, professionalism and national and international presence. And lastly, and perhaps most important in terms of collaboration and open-mindedness, the profound significance of offering one of its best brokers from a partner underwriting agency to the entire association. The common goal is more evident than ever with this initiative.